Acer Launched Liquid Z530, Z630s with MannersAli

Acer Launched Liquid Z530, Z630s with MannersAli

Acer India the leading personal computer brand unveiled two budget smartphones on November 5th in the capital of country. The model names are Z630s and Z530 from Acer Liquid series. Both these latest android phones are now exclusively available on Flipkart for sale with exciting offers. Buyers can purchase the Liquid Z530 right away from Flipkart,…

Must-have Apps for Women

Must-have Apps for Women

Every woman is a super woman today included me 🙂 We all have the demanding career or a challenging curriculum, a family and social life. We share equal financial responsibility at home and even after all this we have to take care of all those small things in life that matter a lot to us….

Your Favorite Tv Shows, now a touch away with nexGTv

Your Favorite Tv Shows, now a touch away with nexGTv

Technology has changed everything. It won’t be an exaggeration to say that our regular phones have been replaced by smartphones, bulky desktops by sleek laptops, and CRT displays by LED screens. We have come a long way, haven’t we? Next? Maybe, our smartphone will replace the TV. In some good news for all TV lovers…

How to Use Smartwatches Effectively

How to Use Smartwatches Effectively

Over the past few decades we have seen a dramatic improvement in technology. The cost-performance or even the size-performance ratios of electronics have improved so much that it almost seems ridiculous. First we had the desktop computers that revolutionized the way a human works. Then we had mobile phones and tablets which could perform most…