
10 Android Apps for Students – Free Download Now

A student’s life is not always easy. Days are packed with attending lectures and nights with revising the topics learned. And in this routine, some of them may not be able to keep up with the competition and eventually slip out. We at Let Us Publish are here to help you out.

With This article, we will take you through 10 Android apps every student must have to increase their productivity. Take a look –

1)     Evernote – Very often students tend to forget about dates of submitting project work, assignment and other such things. But with the help of Evernote, remembering things and organizing your different tasks is very easy. Not only setting up reminders, but Evernote also provides variety of features which include managing expenses, synchronizing your work across different devices and also sharing your ideas across various social platforms.

Evernote’s premium version provides students with more benefits like setting up a PIN protection for their notes and offline access to notes.

Apps For Students

2)    QuizUp – Solving complex math problems and learning difficult physics concepts may get boring sometimes. But with QuizUp app, the biggest trivia game in the world, people can learn new facts and check their knowledge simultaneously. The app features over 400,000 questions in more than 500 topics. You can choose from playing it with your friend or with any of QuizUp player online. Leaderboard, Stats, Chat are also some of the useful features in the App.

3)    News in shorts – Along with their studies, students also need to keep a check on the things and events happening around them. News in shorts is a very unique app which provides you with latest news across different categories in just 60 words. With over 4.6 star rating on Play Store, News in shorts is a very fast growing platform among Indian users especially students.

4)    Quick Office – This list of must-have Android apps for students is incomplete without Quick Office app which is student’s ultimate solution to all pdf, word, presentation and spreadsheet files.

With the help of this app, students can create a new or edit word, presentation and spreadsheet files on their smartphones. A very simple user interface followed by variety of editing options, makes a student’s life a bit easy. You can also view and edit portable document format (pdf) files with the help of this app.

5)    Cam Scanner – Very often students need to scan their different documents and share them with other people even. The CamScanner app lets you scan, store and sync different files and contents across various devices. With the help of your mobile camera, it can scan different documents like, notes, invoices, bills, receipts, business cards. The scanned file gets stored in your ‘gallery’ and now you can easily share them in pdf or jpeg format.

6)    Slide Share – Presentations are integral part of every student’s life. Slide share app for Android smartphone lets you discover wide range of presentations from variety of topics like Technology, Business, Education, design, marketing, Finance. There are over 12 million professional presentations available for you to browse through. Students can also upload their own presentation files on Slide share mobile app. Other features include sharing the presentation with friends across different social network sites and saving the file for offline access.

7)    Google drive – Having a Google drive application in an Android smartphone is no brainer these days. A student can always make the most out of 15GB free cloud storage available on Google drive.  ( 8 Best Free Online Data Backup Services – Top Cloud Storage Options )

You can use it for storing documents, images, music and other files. Moreover, you can access your Google drive account on different devices which makes it even more easier to create, share and edit documents.

8)    WhatsApp – It is undoubtedly one of the fastest growing apps available in the play store right now. There are many ways a student can use WhatsApp for his benefit. You can start by creating a group of your classmates and then discussing different problem and organizing upcoming events all at one place. You can even create a broadcast list to inform or share your message to only few selected people.

Sharing videos, images, other files (excluding pdf and large files) are other important features that will help students.

9)    RealCalc Scientific Calculator – With this app, you no longer need to take your scientific calculator along with you every time. RealCalc application features fraction calculations, conversions to and from degrees, minutes, seconds. It also includes performing calculations in landscape mode plus a 12 digit display. In case of any queries, there’s a built in help which gives you solution to your problems.

10)    Basic Engineering – Last but not the least, we have an app which is very useful for all engineering students. Basic Engineering is an Engineering dictionary app that compromises over 5500 terms and their meaning. Browse through the different terms and get an in depth meaning of the term. With this app, you can save yourself from browsing through many pages on Google to find the meaning of the engineering term.

If we are missing any ‘must have app‘ for students then please share that with us through comment section.

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