Must-have Apps for Women

Every woman is a super woman today included me 🙂 We all have the demanding career or a challenging curriculum, a family and social life. We share equal financial responsibility at home and even after all this we have to take care of all those small things in life that matter a lot to us.

So, for those small things that are extremely important in our life, I have four must have apps for women. These apps are amazingly handy and absolutely free android  apps for every super woman.

These apps can help a woman to make her life little more manageable and safer.

Period Tracker
With such a busy life, it is hardly surprising that today most women like me cannot remember something as important as their last period date. Yes, it is very important to remember it, especially if you are trying to avoid a pregnancy or trying to conceive or if you are dating someone or if you regularly suffer from hormonal imbalance. So, here is just the app for you.

Apps for woman

The Period Tracker not only calculates and tracks your current and future period dates, but also tells you about your ovulation and fertile days, your moods and your symptoms, all in a simple month-view calendar. Simply download it on your mobile phone, and you need not worry about forgetting your last menstruation date ever.

Now, there are a hundred other things you need to remember, too, like the dentist’s appointment, shopping lists, things to-do in the coming week, planning a meeting and the scores of ideas that hit you at the most unlikely times. Evernote is where you can put all these things at one place in your mobile phone, under separate categories and even access them on other devices.

Here, you can also save snippets of web articles you find useful, or note things by clicking their photos, organize receipts, bills, etc. You can also chat with your colleagues and friends to discuss any important ideas, or easily find anything you want from your notes with Evernote’s powerful search.

I had once read somewhere: ‘A beautiful woman is not fat or skinny. She is healthy’. Yet, your health is the first thing that takes a backseat when things get a bit too demanding. Just so, you never start neglecting your own health because it is too much of a hassle, add MyFitnessPal app to your mobile phone. Simply set yourself a goal in this app and then you can track your daily diet, activities and exercise in five minutes. With a database of around 50 lakh global food and cuisines, it also helps you figure out the calories, fat, protein, sugar, fiber, and major nutrients present in whatever you eat.

The MyFitnessPal app can also connect and integrate easily with over 50 other fitness apps and devices that you may need. Also, in the MyFitnessPal community you can share your progress with friends, track theirs and encourage each other.

Bsafe you
Last but not the least, and sadly true; all women in our country need Bsafe you, a personal safety app. Bsafe You helps you to set up a personal safety network of friends and family members with whom you can connect in an instant in times of need. With its Follow Me feature you can ask them to virtually ‘walk you home’ by sharing your GPS location with them.

The app also lets you set a timer that will automatically go off if you fail to check in pre-determined time, thereby alerting your safety network to check if something is amiss. It also has a Guardian Alert button which sends your GPS location and a small video of the incident to your safety network, and also sets off a siren if you opt for it.

So ladies, make yourself a priority, in your life and get these free apps to help you along your long way. Above apps ideas are taken from DNAIndia. I would love to see more apps suggestion from you as well, don’t forget to comment below ‘your must have app’.

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