Amazing Pictures from Heritage Transport Museum Gurgaon

Amazing Pictures from Heritage Transport Museum Gurgaon

Hello friends, So this blog is going to be about Heritage transport Museum, Gurgaon. Recently I visited that museum during the Tata Tigor event and that museum totally stunned all of us because of amazing old time memories, train engines,  vintage cars, Palkis, old time buses and lot more. If you are someone who love…

Jumpin Heights – One Stop Destination In Rishikesh for Adventure Lovers

Jumpin Heights – One Stop Destination In Rishikesh for Adventure Lovers

Are you fond of adventure sports? Do you like to try out new experiences that give you an adrenaline rush? If so, then lapped in the beauty of Rishikesh is Jumpin Heights the One Stop Destination for adventure lovers. If you are still wondering if it’s worth a try then you will be surprised to…

Travel Log – Captured Breathtaking Beauty of Himalayas with Vivo Y55L

Travel Log – Captured Breathtaking Beauty of Himalayas with Vivo Y55L

“The mountains were so wild and so stark and so very beautiful that I wanted to cry. I breathed in another wonderful moment to keep safe in my heart.” ― Jane Wilson-Howarth, Snowfed Waters I totally agree with your statement, Jane!! Recently I got a chance to witness the beauty of Himalayas and the experience…

Treat Yourself with These 5 Adventure International Holiday Destinations

Treat Yourself with These 5 Adventure International Holiday Destinations

Don’t you wish to take a break from your hectic lifestyle? If you are someone who dreams of paragliding, skydiving, hiking, rendezvous with wildlife and activities that would bring an adrenaline rush then welcome to our post. We understand that you need an escape from the monotonous life and that is why we want you…

Top 7 Luxury Hotels Near Delhi Airport

Top 7 Luxury Hotels Near Delhi Airport

Here is our list of 7 Luxury Hotels near Delhi Airport for frequent travelers… Gone are those days when hotels were booked just for shelter purpose. Now the travelers demand a replete of luxury facilities that would make their stay lavishly comfortable. From sophisticated room decor, soothing spas to international cuisines the luxury hotels have…

Interviewing Wanderlust Couple- Savi and Vid from Bruised Passports

Interviewing Wanderlust Couple- Savi and Vid from Bruised Passports

We have the coolest and the inspiring couple in the house! Introducing you Savi and Vid, hardcore travelers who enjoy traveling the world in the company of each other. Before we spill the beans, we would like to introduce Savi who is a doctorate, journalist, writer of the fabulous travel blog Bruised Passports whereas Vid…