Travel Log – Captured Breathtaking Beauty of Himalayas with Vivo Y55L

“The mountains were so wild and so stark and so very beautiful that I wanted to cry. I breathed in another wonderful moment to keep safe in my heart.”
― Jane Wilson-Howarth, Snowfed Waters

I totally agree with your statement, Jane!! Recently I got a chance to witness the beauty of Himalayas and the experience was undoubtedly  awesome. A couple of days back I traveled to Manali with a group of bloggers and Team Vivo to capture the beautiful breathtaking sceneries of Himalayas with the newly launched Vivo Y55L smartphone.

Thanks to the team Vivo for considering me and giving me the lifetime experience at Manali.  I know, I am a beach girl but this time traveling on narrow roads of Manali was a thrilling experience. From the place we stayed in Manali (La Ri Sa) to the place we visited in Manali (Rohtang Pass), I captured loads of amazing pictures with Vivo Y55L. Do have a look at the pictures –

Sunset view from the resort La Ri Sa
Capturing Apples for the first time..
Capturing Apples from Vivo 😛
La Ri Sa Resort Manali
Amazingly beautiful Manali
For book lovers..

la-ri-sa-pics la-ri-sa-pics-rooftop-view la-ri-sa-resort-manali la-ri-sa-resort-pics la-ri-sa-spa-section

I am missing the name of the place but trust me this water was chilled like hell !!
On the way to Rohtang Pass..
On the way to Rohtang Pass..
Rohtang Pass
Selfie with Vivo Y55l, Is it not nice?
Another selfie on the way to Rohtang Pass
Beautiful Flower Capture at Manali


I would love to see your views on how you find these Vivo smartphone pictures? Pictures are compressed and edited a bit to make them more presentable and light weighted.

Vivo Y55L can be the perfect budget smartphone for any of the smartphone lover and you can read more about this gadget here.

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