Gonoise Shots Review : The Pocket Friendly Truly Wireless Earphones

Gonoise Shots Review : The Pocket Friendly Truly Wireless Earphones

Whats all the buzz about Truly Wireless Earphones? Is that what you have been thinking lately ? You will get all your answers in this post. To begin with, what does Truly Wireless means? Well after Apple’s AirPods came into existence, the whole Bluetooth earphones industry changed. Even though the previous earphones were wireless but…

Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review – 5 Lessons I Learnt from the book

Rich Dad Poor Dad Book Review – 5 Lessons I Learnt from the book

We all have seen our parents struggle whole of their lives and the knowledge they gained from those struggles, they passed it over to us or I would say, TRIED TO. In todays age, majority of youngsters struggle with their finances. They do land up in a good paying job after years of struggle of…