Summer Bag Essentials for Every Girl

Summer Bag Essentials for Every Girl

Summer means a lot of humidity, heat and sweat due to which your skin lacks freshness and feels dull all the time. So here are some bag essentials which will get you through these summer days easily.

• “SUNSCREEN” is absolutely the most important thing your summer bag should have. You never know when the sun might hit your skin so you always have to make sure you stay protected and the best way to keep your skin protected is to have a sunscreen with you at all times! Toss a bottle or a tube into your bag and you won’t have to worry about getting exposed to the sun. Summer Bag Essentials for Every Girl• If you are a college/office going person you’ll have to stay out for a long time which results in a lot of sweat and lack of freshness so never step out of the house without carrying “FACE CLEANSING PADS/WIPES” or a “ROSE WATER SPRAY” because they’ll definitely help you to maintain the cleanliness of your skin and make you feel fresh and brand new.

• Always carry a “LIP BALM” in your bag because nothing hurts like chapped or sun burnt lips. Try avoiding it at all costs by always carrying a stick of lip balm in your bag. Try buying one with SPF.

• Your should also carry a “LIPSTICK” of your choice in your handbag at all times to touch up if/when you need to. (Always prefer to use light shades during summer time)

• If you’ve got dry skin never forget to carry a “MOISTURIZER” especially if you spend most of your time in an air-conditioned environment because artificially dehumidified air dries the skin, which makes wrinkles and fine lines look more visible.

• Girls who are addicted to “KOHL” should always carry one with them so that you can fix it if it gets smudged.(You can also use waterproof line during summer time as i does not smudge)

• And last but not the least a “HAIR COMB” because you can never manage to look good with disturbed hair and carrying a hair comb with you will always help you to manage your look.

So, these are the things which i feel ever girl should add-up to her summer bag! You can also share your summer bag essentials with us in the comments below.

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