Do you find yourself flipping through the magazines taking love tests or answering online questions on ‘Does he love you’? Have the little quirks that you thought were so adorable suddenly become quite annoying almost making you wonder what the hell you are doing. All this must have been worrying you, but there is always a way out.
Things may have turned bad, but love never dies. Those bells will ring again, the palms will sweat, the heart will flutter, and love will conquer back.
So help yourself with these tips, and relive those moments down your memory lane and fall in love all over again.

Communicate: Clear the Air
Conflicts are unavoidable in a relationship. When two people live together, they are bound to have different perceptions over things as individuals. But not all conflicts have adverse impact on your relationship; some bring you closer to each other. It is how you handle it. Rule of thumb – doesn’t react, always respond.
To begin with, one should communicate with their partner effectively. Talk about everything that comes to your mind.
Don’t be shy to confess your feelings and let your spouse know you better. Tell them your silliest of worries and invite them to do the same.
Don’t let sarcasm take over you, when you share something. Suppose you want to convey you are upset, say “I am missing being happy”, instead of “looks like you are too busy to bother about my happiness”. The softer you speak, the harder it hits.
Likewise don’t keep a handbook of their minor annoyances. If you keep rubbing their past on them, they would eventually go far from you.
So let go the stuckups in your head, and talk to each other with love.
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Show Love & Get Loved
Who doesn’t like to be loved? A small peck on the cheek or a hug can just do the magic for you.
Showing love on a daily basis is extremely essential. Be it complimenting “Your messy hair is looking so adorable today” or “It’s good to see, that your socks are in place”. These are small things but have great impact.
Pampering is one other important thing you got to do. It need not be gifting your spouse expensive things all the time, but maybe cooking for them or singing them a song of their choice. Or maybe a candle light dinner at home with their favourite cocktail. You could probably invent a cocktail with their name and give it your personal touch. Just let the ideas flow, and do what your heart says.

You could also send them some love quotes or little love messages throughout the day (or perhaps once a day). It could be something naughty or heart touching, maybe even couple of lines from their favourite poet or book.
Have a look at these love quotes; I am sure no one can resist falling for them.

So go ahead and pick up your favorite lines for your darling love.
The whole idea here is to show them how much you love them, and they will be bound to love you back. I believe one should give their spouse what they need, and eventually you will get what you want. Isn’t that simple?
Likes & Dislikes
I know this is a never ending list, and it can go on and on. But you need to jot down the important ones. Ask questions. Be an active listener and hear out each time they say “I like eating here”, “I hate it when you bite your nails” or “I love when you wear blue”.
All these things will come handy, when you want to cheer the mood up. Out of the blue, wear a dress your spouse likes, and see them wonder on how you knew it was something they like.
These small things give immense happiness. When we grow old in a relationship, we take each other for granted and life turns monotonous. So just do your bit and am sure you will regain all that romance and passion back.

Live & Let Live
“We have to live and let live in order to create what we are” – Albert Camus
This quote describes it all. The reason why most marriages don’t work is because we all stop living.
Marriage brings together two people, but it certainly doesn’t isolate them from the whole world.
It’s good to spend time together, but it’s important for both to have their own space.
Like if your husband wants to go have some guy time with his friends, don’t stop him from doing so. Instead just chill out and do something for yourself, maybe a girl’s night out or a trip to the parlour.
Call on your girlfriends, have a kitty party & do all that you love. Gossip, play games, go partying and yes go shopping. We all know how much we love buying new stilettos.
Most women post marriage stop hanging out with their friends or don’t pursue their hobby. Well this one is for the ladies, let your men go out, let them be themselves and let them have their alone time. Don’t get into their space and unnecessarily welcome stress.
And for all the men, reading this article, please it’s high time; you make your lady feel loved. Having alone time is good, but not that you isolate your significant half completely. You have to think from her shoes, and balance accordingly. So be a man, and make your lady love feel like a queen ruling your heart. Isn’t that smile on her face, totally worth it?
The Last Tip
So just do your bit and see the romance and passion seep right back in. I hope my tips come handy.
All you need to do is, remember those days, when falling in love and getting her by your side was your only motto. The only words you said then were “I love you” and “I love you more”.
So, let the emotions flow and let your heart speak.
I know you aren’t going to fall head-over-heels in love each day, but saying these words will help you both bond back and cherish your memories
Go now, rush, and whisper those three words to her, go say “I love you”. See her blush to glory, see those eyes twinkle and rise in love holding hands. Kick start your love story again and see love take over!
So get your love back and let this all be a happy ending 🙂
Good Luck!
Hope the read will be very helpful for couples, do share your views about the write-up. Comment section is just below.
Hi, this is my article, kindly give the credits accordingly. Snigdha Biswas
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