12 non-financial inspiring reasons you must start writing blogs

12 non-financial inspiring reasons you must start writing blogs

“I think I am not too good at writing!”

“I am not comfortable expressing my personal issues/ideas/opinions regarding something”

“I can only get time off at weekends. Why waste it writing blogs?”

“I am simply not interested. It is not worth it to write for less money”

These are the common reactions of most people when they are asked if they would like to write blogs as one of the income sources.

Even though you may find a lot of websites offering you opportunities to blog on a range of topics, not many people choose it as a past time. Blogging is generally seen as a monotonous task creeping into your personal thoughts on issues by many people. Others think more about who will be interested to read blogs written by them until and unless it comes with a celebrity tag with it.

But hold on…

Do not undermine the power of your thoughts! For once, think about what you are missing out? No, it’s not just that extra money!

It is the power to express and see the changes happen around!


So, here is a list of 12 incredible non-financial reasons that would make you want to start writing blogs:

  1. Improving language skills:

It is really important in today’s world to hone up your language skills, in whichever profession you may be. Blogging can help you improve your vocabulary along with an art to express yourself well in front of people. So, why wait? Write blogs in the language you work and take the first step towards improving your skills. You can always use grammar checking apps to make your blog error free.

  1. Increased efficiency in typing:

Are you slow at typing? Do you frequently cross the work deadlines/Assignment submission dates due to inefficient typing? Do not worry much…


Blogging can help you overcome that inefficiency and assure improved timely work at your workplace. The free flow of thoughts and ideas when you write a blog on a topic of your choice makes you want to type faster, in turn enabling you to meet deadlines at your work/study.

  1. Giving voice to your opinions:

You may just think that your opinions on anything do not matter to anyone except your close ones. But, try and give it a chance! It matters a lot if you express your opinions or ideas on any particular happening around. You may choose anything: the movies, the environment, travel, the country’s political and economic issues or just your personal life. Try to write your true thoughts and you will see the magic it has on your heart!


  1. Explore your passions:

As you start writing, you will have a train of thoughts running inside your mind guiding you to write more on diverse topics. So, start writing and explore what interests you the best! Discover new passions through writing about your hobbies, traveling and careers/courses that you would really love to do.


  1. Reduce stress:

Sometimes, the daily full-time office grind can really stress you out. It is necessary to reduce it. Writing blogs on the topics of your interest can help you divert your thoughts to something that you really like.


  1. Self-satisfaction

It is not just the parties, movies or food that can be a source of personal satisfaction. Try blogging for once and see how it is so self-satisfactory to the core of your heart!

  1. Anger management

Sometimes, it becomes difficult to control your anger in personal/professional issues. You may also feel weak to express by sharing your thoughts even with family. So, vent it out by writing on whatever is bothering you. There are many platforms that provide you the opportunity to write blogs related to personal life as well. You can share it with your close ones and make them understand your problems more properly.


  1. Finding people with similar opinions:

Writing blogs on various platforms will open a world of new people to you who share similar thoughts or have had similar experiences. Knowing that there is a world walking along with you will strengthen you to face countless challenges that you may be facing in life.

  1. Seek advice:

As you find more people who may have similar thoughts, experiences and goals, you can also seek advice to improve or tackle your problems. Brush aside the negativity through listing and bringing out the positives in the blogs!

  1. Gain confidence:

Writing gives you incredible confidence. As you write, the thoughts will automatically appear on your mind’s horizon and then, with every line you will discover the self-confidence increasing ounce by ounce.


  1. Want to change the system? Be a part of it!

As common citizens, it will not suffice to criticise the system sitting comfortably at your home. The very first and foremost thing is to be a part of the system to bring out a change. Writing on various issues will give you the first opportunity to become a part of the system. Take one firm step, spread awareness, build campaigns on the work you may be doing for the betterment of the society!

  1. Leaving a legacy of your ideas/opinions/ feelings

If you still are not convinced, consider this: what will you leave behind as your legacy? A house and money may come to your mind. But these are just tangible things that can be easily spent or get easily withered away with time. Along with them, just think about leaving a mark on the young minds of the future generation! If you wish, you can do so! Create history by recording your thoughts about current happenings in the present. It is really worth and fulfilling to do such a thing for your kids to look back on to you even if you are being paid less at this moment.

So, what are you waiting for? Do not think much!
Just Write, Blog and Explore…

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  1. abhay kulshreshtha

    Keep stream of words emerged from within you. Express your experience.
    Let next generation share and follow your good work…..

    • Dhanushree Kulshreshtha

      Thank you so much for appreciating! 🙂

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