How To Get Pink Lips By Home Remedies

Lips are one of the most attractive part of face. The facial expression of one depends a lot on lips, so one should equally take care of lips too.

Beautiful lips make face more attractive and expressive and people generally ask for this question that how to get pink lips.

There are many artificial ways to get beautiful pink lips but it’s not sure that whether it lasts forever or not, so here we bring beauty tips for pink lips by home remedies.

Use lip balm for moisturizing

The natural lip balms or home made lip balms are one of the most convenient and successful method to get beautiful pink lips. Lip balms give a fresh look to the the lips  anywhere and any time. It also helps to soften up your lips.

Get Pink Lips By Home Remedies

Use lip balm before applying lip stick too as it ensures that lipstick remains on the lip for a longer period of time and further helps in smoothing the lips. Always use good quality lip balms.

home remedies for pink lips - Lip Balm Images

Use Lemon

Lemon Juice is really helpful for  pinkish lips. Apply the mixture of lemon juice and sugar (dissolved) on lips. Amazing results are shown with the help of lemon juice.

DIY home remedie to get soft Pink Links

Use Desi Ghee (Butter Oil)/ Malai (Milk Cream)

Desi Ghee or Malai are one of the best home remedies to cure dry lips. Apply Desi Ghee/Malai with gentle hands on lips and then massage it very softly. It will help to get beautiful pink lips too apart from softening the dry ones.

Desi Ghee tips for beautiful Softer Lips

Use Pomegranate with Milk Cream

Crush pomegranate seeds and then mix it with milk cream. The dark and black lips can be converted into pink if this mixture is applied on lips.

Pomengrate for softer pinkish lips

Use Tomato 

Tomatoes are also very helpful as the stuff inside tomato helps in stopping bleeding of lips due to dryness. The juice of tomato when mixed with Desi Ghee, becomes the best medicine to cure bleeding lips. Apart from curing, it also prevents further dryness of lips.

Tomato Remedie to Get Pink Lips

Use Ginger and Honey

Make a mixture of ginger and honey. This mixture should be applied gently on lips. It helps in softening the dry lips as well as gives beauty to lips.

Ginger and Honey - Beauty Remedie

Use mixture of Berries

The mixture of Strawberry and Raspberry are one of the good methods to make your lips red and pink. Make a mixture berries along with honey or aloe vera juice.

Remedies for stunning lips

Use Mustard Oil

Mustard Oil also helps in getting beautiful pink lips and softens the dry lips. Put some drops of mustard oil in navel and this will automatically lead to beautiful lips. The mystery of how to get beautiful lips can also be resolved via applying olive oil.

Mustard oil for Glowing skin and smoother lips

Use Vaseline

Vaseline Petroleum jelly are also helpful in beautifying the lips. Vaseline not only ensure the safety from dry lips but also helps in giving a shiny look.

Vaseline for beautiful lips

Drink Water

The water drinking habit is also one of the beauty tips for pink lips. The more glasses of water one drinks, his/her lips become more pinkish. The proper intake of water also prevents the drying of lips. A minimum of 9-10 glasses of water ensures nice lips.

Drink Lots of Water

Use Cucumber

First take out the juice of Cucumber and then apply that juice on lips with the help of piece of Cucumber. This process must be done for five minutes. Even dark lips converts into pinkish ones by this process.

Apply Cucumber Juice

Use Sunscreen

Sunscreen can also be used to soften the lips. The content of sunscreen too helps in giving shiny and beautiful lips.

Apply suncreen on lips when you go out

Do not use tongue for lips

Do not use tongue or saliva to soften your lips as it will lead to drying up of your lips at last. Apart from that it also blackens the lips and make it ugly. Also, do not Chew or cut your lips from teeth.

Lip Care Tips

Do not Smoke

Smoking is not only injurious to health but lips too. The pink lips become black with time as a result of smoking cigarettes. Cigarettes are the biggest enemy of beautiful pink lips.

No smoking for pink lips

Do not Sleep with make up

Red lipscan become black if removal of make up has not been done. Remove the lipstick and especially liner so that the lips must not get blackened. Use cotton balls for removal of lipstick and do it with gentle hands.

how to get pink lips by home remedies

Thanks for reading us, Hope this blog on ‘How to get pink lips?’ will be helpful for your more softer pink lips.

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  1. All the tips are very useful as winter is almost here and majority of the people will suffer with lips drying….I too face the same problem…I will surely try the remedies….Thank u so much for the wonderful post and winter tips…keep posting with lots more./….

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