Advice Quotes

An Advice Can Make You – A Better You #SachchiAdvice

Hey readers, here I am with some thoughts on the ‘Advice’ we receive from our well-wishers on daily basis. In the hustle bustle of life, we ignore many advice; we get from the people who literally care a lot about us.

To ignore other’s advice is not so new to You and Me but it might be because we human are more interested in giving advice rather than accepting from others.

After watching the latest TV advertisement of Max Life Insurance ‘Sachchi Advice’, I thought to look back and to find out, if I have worked upon on some good advices I got from the people who are closer to me, in journey called life. From the flaskback of my life, here I am with two of the best advices those helped me to be the ‘Better version of me’.

 Sachchi Advice Experience 1 –

This advice came from a friend who always made me feel ‘I am Fat’. His advices cum comments on my diet and on lazy exercising schedules have done wonders to me and, I loosed around 7 Kgs in few months and now I look much prettier than prior.

I am thankful to god for sending such good people in life because of him I am more fit and fine now.

 Sachchi Advice Experience 2 –

For professional and personal growth advices from superiors & colleagues are the best advices to work upon.

Recently when I was not so sure about what to do with my blogging work life because of financial instabilities in it and zero satisfaction at 10-6 job, my friend cum colleague advised me to be strong & fearless rather than being so frustrated at work.

His words encouraged me a lot and I took the best decision of life. I left my well-paid job to choose blogging as my full-time career.

I am very much thankful to my superior for pushing me in the right directions.

So above was the glimpse from my life, what is your story?

I encourage to all my readers to be active on ‘Sachchi advices’ they receive, these advices may sound bad in the very starting but once you will work on them you are certainly going to reap some good fruits from that.

I appreciate the Max Life Insurance for coming up with this emotional cum awareness campaign for people who are very much messed up in their life and don’t consider others options. If you have not watched the heartwarming #SachchiAdvice video yet, then below is the video for you.

[youtube id=”AP-9acYajco” width=”500″ height=”250″ position=”center”]

“I am participating in the #SachchiAdvice Contest by MaxLife in Association with BlogAdda.”

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    1. I am glad to see you here and I am so sorry for delayed I/W , these days occupied with some very urgent stuff. BTW i want to know the advice? Is it related to my experience 1 or 2 ?

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