5 Easiest Ways to Get Discounts on International Flight Bookings

Traveling is a life changing experience. To satiate the wanderlust in you, we have something interesting on offer today – tips and tricks to get discounts when you book flight tickets.

Airlines very often come up with flash sales and festive offers, but on most occasions, your travel plans may not necessarily align with these. So just follow the below tips when you book flight tickets, and be certain of getting optimum rates. Here we go!

  • Early bird catches the worm

As clichéd as it sounds, there is no doubt that one of the best ways to get discounted airfares is booking flight tickets as early as possible. If you know your travel plans well in advance, there is really nothing like it. Early bookings give you the advantage of cheaper rates for long haul destinations. So if you are looking to explore the financial capital of the world from the Indian capital three to four months down the line, the best time to book your Delhi to London flights is now.

  • Be smarter than technology

Incognito browsing is the way to go when you book flight tickets. If you repeatedly search for flight fares over a particular route in the same browser window, you will see the prices shoot up on every subsequent search. Incognito browsing is the solution to this. Or if you want to search in the same browser window again, clear the cache and cookies from the browser to try and get the best rates for your flight bookings.

  • Timing matters

As a travel enthusiast, one thing to bear in mind when you book flight tickets is that the timing of your travel also plays a significant role when it comes to getting the best pricing. Fridays, Mondays, and weekends are usually not the best times to fly if you are looking at getting discounted airfares. Instead, go for rest of the days of the week to get optimum pricing for international flight tickets.

  • Opt for airline websites instead of aggregators

Flight aggregators are very popular with travelers these days. However, as lucrative as the discounts they offer appear on the surface, flight bookings with them come with inflated pricing which covers the revenue markups for these aggregators. As a smart traveler, we recommend that you book directly on the airlines website or mobile application and save your hard-earned money.

  • Enroll in airline loyalty programs

Customer loyalty comes with its own rewards. So if you are booking repeatedly with any airline, it makes all the more sense to enroll in its loyalty program. You can earn loyalty points and redeem them on subsequent flight bookings to get lucrative pricing when you book flight tickets.

Also, you can avail special offers at certain times of the year (like birthdays and anniversaries) with such programs. So show some loyalty today and get rewarded for it as well- a win-win we say!

Traveling does not have to be an expensive affair every time. All it calls for is following some smart hacks and you are on your way to get best prices. Get, set, go!

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