15 Super Foods for Diabetes

15 Super Foods for Diabetes

Diabetes is not a challenge. It is taking small steps in improving your lifestyle. Primary objective in diabetes is to improve blood glucose control. This is possible through eating the best foods that control glucose spikes in blood.

A nutritionist recommendations will be note, eat food that provide stabilized energy is low on Glycemic Index and rich in calcium, magnesium and protein.

Super Foods or Functional Foods help achieve this along with a high antioxidant profile. Various natural foods contain special nutrients or antioxidants provide benefit against diabetes damage. Let us review 15 foods that help in diabetes management:

Oats are popular as these have soluble pectin B-glucan that prevents spikes in blood glucose. Breakfast that contains steel cut oats or rolled oats with low fat dairy can help avoid hunger pangs and glucose spikes for everyone. Dieticians suggest that Instant oats and masala oats to be avoided as these are high on glycemic index and are not recommended as healthy meal substitutes.


Eggs can improve metabolism. Best source of protein a boiled egg makes great breakfast for everyone. Eating an egg daily keeps you full throughout the day. You may have a boiled egg or stuffed omelets with a soup or salad as a low calorie meal. Omelets prepared using skim milk and vegetables like spinach, capsicum, mushrooms and spring onions taste delicious and make a wholesome meal with a multigrain toast.

Dietitians suggest that yolk of an egg may be consumed twice a week and 5 egg whites in a week are allowed. Check with your doctor if your cholesterol/lipid profile is okay. Eggs are best avoided if triglycerides, LDL are high.


Curds and Yogurt is the best source of vitamin D, calcium and magnesium. These are fermented dairy products – yogurt, curd, kefir have probiotic bacteria and vitamin K compound. A paper from Diabetologia journal shows that increased consumption of yoghurt, compared with no consumption, can decrease the risk pre-diabetes by 28%.

Scientists at the University of Cambridge found that low-fat fermented dairy products, all yoghurt and some low-fat cheeses can potentially decrease the risk of diabetes by 24%.


Berries, prunes, cherries are not just garnishes. The antioxidant packed natural tarts provide high dose of antioxidants that help heal any inflammation in the body caused due to diabetes. Validating this point, research paper published by University Of East Anglia in 2014 made an observation that eating berries could prevent from type 2.

Consumption of berries was noted to be possibly associated with lowering insulin resistance and improving blood glucose regulation. Frozen berries are known to be more concentrated in antioxidants. Strawberries and blueberries frozen make excellent sweet treats.


Peaches, plums and nectarines have rich bioactive compounds which have beneficial properties to ward obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This claim is made by Texas AgriLife Research.


Seafood is essential in diabetes care.  Spanish populations eat both red meat and fish. They have a lot of processed and cured meats causing weight gain and obesity. But, researchers claim that their high consumption of fish is associated with better blood glucose concentrations. Seafood consumption may reduce risk of developing diabetes.

Nutritionists preach fish as a low cholesterol source of protein and rich in omega 3 fatty acids, zinc, and iodine. Grilled, baked, broiled preparations are best ways to eat fish. American Physiological Society, 2015, states that majority with diabetes suffer from nerve damage, neuropathy and retinopathy.

The most effective treatment is keeping blood sugar in control and reversing damage. As per experts this is the only way to regress diabetic retinopathy. According to a study observations made omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements could possibly have the potential to restore the damage to nerves caused by diabetes.

Chia seeds are number one super foods as these have amazing health benefits. It is a great source of acid Omega 3 and antioxidants and is recommended to help patients with diabetes.


Soya and tofu are common ingredients in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese and Thai cooking. Indians are developing a taste for same. The antioxidant content in these two protein sources is recognisable. Being low in fat protein source, it is best for all cooking in all meals like kebabs, salads and soups.

Nutritionists claim that soya foods provide best amount of calcium, magnesium and manganese and it is pulse protein source, an alternative to non vegetarian foods. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 2009, researchers states that soy foods may lower blood glucose levels and improve blood glucose tolerance in people with diabetes.


Brown Rice is better than white rice as it has more fiber content, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemical. Eating brown rice will avoid spikes and sudden increase in blood glucose level as compared to white rice which is prepared by milling and polishing brown rice, stripping it of fiber and all vitamins and minerals.

It is the fiber in diet is responsible for slowing the release of glucose molecules into the bloodstream and improving glycemic profile. Harvard School of Public Health, researchers indicate that eating five or more servings of polished rice per week increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. Nutritionist claim that eating two or more servings of brown rice per week will lower risk of the disease.


Cinnamon powder is gaining popularity for reducing blood glucose levels. As per the American Diabetes Association it can be a home remedy to improve glucose profile. Researchers Ting Lu and team made an observation that upon supplementing type 2 diabetes affected individuals cinnamon powder will at various doses reduce the HbA1C levels to large extent.


Bitter Melon has similar enzyme activities as that of hormone Insulin. Naturopathy cure involves bitter melon or karela juice to Type 2 diabetes patients to improve blood glucose levels of the patient. According to the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, January 2011 if a dosage of 2,000 mg daily of bitter melon is given it may significantly improve blood glucose levels of patients with type 2 diabetes.


Broken Wheat or Dalia is very nutritious and a fiber rich grain. It is eaten savoury with vegetables as gruel or porridge with low fat milk. Diabetes educator claims this is excellent cereal like quinoa to lose weight and help curb blood glucose increase for all.


Psyllium Husk or Isabgol is used as a laxative as it is the husk of Psyllium seeds. But scientists are studying its benefits as it contains soluble fiber glucomannan, which may possibly be beneficial in diabetes.


Nuts and seeds are help to prevent diabetes. A paper published in the Journal Diabetes Care, University of Toronto Department of Nutritional Sciences recommends consuming two ounces of nuts daily. Nutritionist believes replacing a carbohydrate snack with a handful of nuts and seeds are very effective at glycemic and serum lipid control for people with Type 2 diabetes. As suggested by diet experts mixed, unsalted, raw, or dry-roasted nuts can improve blood glucose control and blood lipids and help to improve diabetes control without affecting weight.


Cactus may not be eaten globally but upon consumption of 300 grams raw, or 250 of cooked it may significantly lower glucose peaks. Endocrinologists believe this allows pancreas to function at its best. Quoting a paper by Nimbe Torres y Torres, from the Institute of Biomedical Research, Mexico, individuals with diabetes who consume cactus in diet regularly as in Mexico may potentially reduce HbA1C and Triglycerides effectively.


Sum – Up: Several scientific papers were researched before these super foods were listed for diabetes management. It is important to eat food good for diabetes that are high on fiber, have reduced sodium, low fat and antioxidant rich. It is best to avoid foods that have moderate or high glycemic index.

Curry leaves, neem leaves, fenugreek seeds guargum from legumes, periwinkle flowers are some functional foods that are under observation for anti-diabetic benefits. Prioritize consulting your diabetes educator on more super foods that can help prevent or improve diabetes profile for you and family.

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