Know Each and Everything About Muslim Wedding Customs

Know Each and Everything About Muslim Wedding Customs

The Muslim marriage practices at various locations in the entire world are practised with different methods. Few of the general methods practised for during any Islamic or Muslim marriage are listed below : –

  • Practices: – The major practice of a Muslim wedding also known as the Nikah is that a contract is signed during the marriage. The traditions of the marriage vary as per the culture, the different Islamic group and also on the compliance of gender rules. The wedding ceremonies generally are not performed in the mosques and during the entire procession of the Muslim wedding the male and female members remain in different areas. Since there is no practice of priesthood in the Muslims hence the marriage procession in Muslims can be performed by any person. Few of the marriages are performed in the mosques that majorly are performed by the qazi or the madhun. The marriage in the Muslim culture is said to be a contract not only between the couples but also a contract with Allah.

Muslim Nikah

  • Meher: – One of the major components of the Muslim wedding is the meher. Meher is an official document that relates to the money that a groom promises to give to his wife. Meher comprises of two different parts the first one is related to pre-wedding time even before the marriage is declared consummated which is referred as prompt while the second part of Meher is an amount that the male promises to give the female all throughout her life which is referred as deferred amount. In the current times a ring is considered as a prompt that the groom gives to bride whereas the deferred amount can be in different form that can be either monetary, jewellery land etc. This deferred gift can be used by the bride as per her own wish and no one has the right to question on usage of this gift by her but until the marriage breaks or the haven’t been consummated. Meher is given to the bride as a part of her future security and her freedom in the bond of marriage.

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  • Nikah: – The contract of the Muslim wedding is officially signed on the day of marriage or nikah ceremony. On the day of Nikah either the groom or his relatives or friends keeps the proposal in front of the bride with two person as the witness of the marriage procession and at this time only the bride or her representatives are made aware about the details of the meher. The marriage is considered only after both the bride and the groom repeat the word “qabul” thrice. Qabul stands for “I Accept” in Arabic. The marriage is solemnized after the bride and groom sign the contract along with two other male witnesses and hence legalizing the marriage as per the civil and religious law. As per the tradition both the bride and groom further shares the sweet fruit like date finalizing the marriage. In case the male and female are separated during marriage procession then a male person who is referred as wali represents the bride’s side during the procession of nikah.


  • Vows and Blessings: – Fewer times another ceremony is also performed after the nikah ceremony during which the “Fatihah” is recited which the first episode of Quran and durud is called as blessing. These vows are often recited by the officiant and the couples just listen to these vows. The officiant also defines the meaning of various vows. Few of the Muslim wedding ceremonies involve the bride and groom to recite vows which goes like :-

Muslim wedding blessings

  1. Bride Recitation: –“Bride says her name and takes the vow that she would practice all the rules of marriage as specified in the Holy Quran and Holy Prophet bestow their blessing on him. She also promises to be honest and sincere in the marriage and will be a faithful wife”.


  1. Groom: – The male takes the vow that he would be faithful, honest and sincere in the marriage and would always help his wife.

The other practice is of Valima also known as Dinner. The Valima is the ceremony that is performed by the Groom and his family. During this ceremony the neighbours, friends and relatives are invited for the dinner. This generally is a simple ceremony with no lavishness thus not spending large amount of money

Pre-wedding Preparations
There are several traditions practices before the actual day of Nikah and few of these ceremonies are:-

Muslim wedding ceremonies

  • Henna Ceremony: – This ceremony is generally performed at the brides place generally 2 to 3 days before the nikah ceremony. The special artists come and put henna designs on rides hands and feet. In many Islamic countries this ceremony is also performed by groom’s family.
  • Taking Bath: – The couples are prepared for the marriage by making them bathe before wedding.
  • Sharing a Drink: – This is also referred as the engagement ceremony which is solemnized by sharing the sherbet.
  • Turmeric Ceremony: – This is the celebration performed at both the brides and grooms family where turmeric is applied on the bodies of bride and groom for good luck, glow and woo off the evil spirits. The ceremony is also practised by serving sweets to all the guests.

Muslim bride

Hopefully, these Muslim Wedding Customs will be loved by you. Do attend a marriage for seeing all these live.

Above Article is the guest article contributed by Maryam Islam. She is a professional writer as well as a responsible married lady. Do share your views on Maryam’s  description over Muslim Wedding Customs via Comment Section


1 Comment

  1. Muslimah

    Turmeric ceremony,Mehendi,sherbat etc are not a part of muslim wedding rather it’s cultural.Also there is no fatiha or durood after Nikah

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